Letters to Future Husband The Everyday

Winning over my Friends: A Letter to Future Husband

Dear Future Husband,

You better be one good dude, inside and out. Oh, and my friends (the couple I have) have already told me that you will have to get their approval before being able to marry me. Wish you the best of luck. Not that I am implying my friends are mean or strict, they just really love me (at least I think they do). And they will not let just any guy marry me. Sorry.

Although I don’t have many friends, the few I do have are friends for life. And, let me tell you. They have my back. They would never allow me to just marry any guy. He would have to be the right guy, and of course, have to pass their test. Don’t worry. It’s not school. And it’s not a literal test. Just be yourself, because even if you pretend now, the truth will come out eventually.

And why fake it or pretend? Be who you are and if we are compatible then we will know. We all know you can’t pretend forever. So, let’s be ourselves. And if we can’t work. No worries. Good we found out before it’s too late. You don’t want to be stuck with someone you don’t like at all, do you?

Also, just because you are my first “marriage offer,” it does not mean that you are necessarily the one. It just means, we have a longer search ahead of us. After all, matches were made up above, and if we were not paired together from the get-go, then it will never work out. It’s just how it works.

Let’s get to know you. What kind of girl are you looking for? Are you into looks and outer beauty or are you into inner beauty? Because, let me tell you, I score high on the inner beauty department. But if looks (outer beauty) are what you want, then, I guess you need to keep looking. I don’t think I score so high in that department. Maybe it’s because I don’t wear makeup. Maybe if I did, I might score higher.. But, I am not a huge makeup gal. Sorry, if that was what you were looking for. Or maybe it’s just me. But, on the bright side, that is money saved on some beauty products. Not to say, I don’t buy any beauty products. I am a girl after all. I buy the necessary ones.

Well, what I consider important. And I doubt you can’t do much complaining about that because I know how guys are today. They are not too behind on the amount of products they use themselves. After all, we are living in a world where looks are kind of portrayed as a big deal. Now I am rambling.

What kind of man do I want, you say? My man should have a good heart. Looks will fade with age, but that beautiful heart never will (at least I hope not). So, if you are tall, in-shape (a little muscle won’t hurt, but it is not a deal breaker), and have a big heart. We might be made for each other. All jokes aside, you will know if you are the guy I am looking for. And the only way to find out is once we talk, and I learn about who you are as a person. How big is that heart of yours? What is your nature like? The looks are only a bonus to the personality (although we do have to be attracted to each other a little bit, right?)

I wonder what kind of girl you are looking for, and if I fit your dream girl characteristics? Only one way to find out. We will have to meet. Until then, enjoy life and keep living life to the fullest.


Every Modern Punjabi Girl, awaiting for her “Prince Charming” before she says “Yes”

More Letters to my Future Husband

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