Traveling Traveling & Experiences

Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island: The Experience

Now that you have your trip planned for visiting NYC, you must be wondering what is it like to go inside the Statue of Liberty? What is Ellis Island? Is it worth it to purchase tickets for the pedestal or the crown? Keep reading to find out more. If you have not yet planned a trip, and are stuck on what you should consider, read the tips and advice I have shared on a previous post. What are you waiting for? Let’s make this trip happen this year!

Ellis Island

Ellis Island Museum: First stop if boarded from New Jersey.

This is set-up more like a museum with multiple floors. You can see the history of how immigrants came to the country and what they had to experience during their journey. Depending on how interested you are and how much time you spend at each display, it can be as short as 30 minutes or as long as a couple of hours. Keep in mind, if you have timed tickets for the Statue of Liberty and you boarded from the Jersey side, to watch the time so you make it to Liberty Island in time.

Statue of Liberty: The Pedestal Experience

View from the grounds of Liberty Island.

I was so glad we purchased pedestal access tickets. It is truly a once in a lifetime experience. When you first enter, you have the option of taking the stairs up to the top or riding up on the elevator. If you are capable and able to take the stairs, I would highly suggest doing so. Before you decide to start heading on up, go walk through the small museum on the ground level.

The first thing you see is the original torch and an explanation as to why it was taken down. After oohing and aahing over this, continue straight into the museum. The museum has the history of the Statue of Liberty. I learned so much that I didn’t know before, and I am glad I took the time to walk through it.

Once you exit the museum, take the stairs! Unless, you don’t want to. I am not forcing you. But I highly suggest it. Why? Not just so you can get your workout in for the day, although if that is a reason you want to do, then go for it. But, because on each flight of stairs, there are some interesting facts on a plaque. Makes the experience more fun and educational!

After you huff and puff your way to the top, just kidding, or am I? Nah, I am kidding. Surprisingly, my sister and I were able to make it to the top without getting out of breath or our legs aching. Success! If we can do it, then you definitely can. Now that you are at the top, this is where you will have to show your tickets again if you bought access to the crown. If you do not have access to the crown, don’t worry. You can still get a peek up inside the Statue of Liberty. By the door to the outside of the pedestal, there is this clear glass window in the ceiling. Through the window, you can see what the inside of the statue looks like. Very interesting and very tight!

View up inside Lady Liberty herself. These are the stairs you would take if you bought tickets to go up to the crown.

You made it to the top, now what? Step outside at each level of the pedestal, walk around the statue, take in the views, and snap some pics. And, if those stairs tired you out, you can take the elevator down to the ground. But, I am telling you that is no fun. Plus, going down stairs is much easier than going up! From the outside of the pedestal, you can look up and see how close you are to the bottom of the statue, and you can look out across the water and see the Manhattan Skyline, Jersey City, and Ellis Island.

View from the outside ledge of the top of the pedestal.


We had a blast, even though it was cold. It was a nice trip with my sister. Some much needed quality time together. Our schedules are so busy that despite living in the same house we barely see each other until the weekend. Crazy, right?

If we had more time, we would have definitely spent some time walking around Liberty State Park, but we had 4 hour drive ahead of us. So, we ended up going straight home. However, if you have time, I would recommend stopping for the Empty Sky Memorial, a memorial created for those victims of 9/11, Liberty State Park, and if you have more than a day, then you could definitely take a train ride into New York City. My sister and I have set a goal to do more smaller trips and see more of the world as opposed to spending all the vacation days at one time and only going one place a year. Let us know if these tips helped in your trip planning, and how your trip to Jersey City or New York City went. I would love to hear your stories!

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  1. Fiorella says:

    What an amazing trip, definitely Statue of Liberty is a must to see!

  2. Hello! Great post. I feel like in order to see all of NY has to offer you have to take a whole weekend trip because there is so much to see. However I enjoyed your tips.

  3. I’ve been to New York but I’ve never seen the Statue of Liberty! It’s definitely something I would love to experience!
    -Madi xo |

  4. Sharvina says:

    Wow! This sounds so much fun!! I’m planning for a visit…

  5. cool trip! definitely will try it, thanks for the tips!
    – The handy Journal

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