Food: Recipes & Restaurants Recipes

Crispy Oven Baked Potato Wedges: Healthier Version

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Are you craving potato wedges, but trying to avoid fried food? Well, I got the perfect alternative recipe for you. And the best part, it is quick and easy to make.

We all know that eating fried food (or too much of it) is not good for our health, and I am big on trying to eat healthier while still enjoying all the foods I love. And one food item I LOVE is seasoned potato wedges. So here it is, a baked version. Much healthier. And they are the perfect side that goes with almost every dish.

These wedges are seasoned with a wide range of spices (listed below) to give it a delicious flavor. To make it even tastier and a little spicier, I added some common Indian spices to the mix, too. So, feel free to experiment with your favorite seasonings or reduce the variety of spices added to the wedges. After all, you are the one eating it, so make them how you enjoy eating them.

In order to make these wedges as healthy as wedges can be, I opted to bake the potatoes over frying them and use avocado oil over canola oil. Fee free to mix it up or use your choice of oil.

Tip: If you want your wedges to be crispier, then make sure you do not skip the first step: soaking the potatoes in cold water. This removes the starch found in potatoes and allows for the extra crispiness.

Happy baking!


As healthy as wedges and fries can get, and the perfect side for almost any dish.

Yields1 Serving

 2 Potatoes
 ½ tsp Paprika
 ½ tsp Garlic powder
 1 tbsp Avocado oil (or olive oil)
 ½ cup Cheese
 ¼ tsp Dried oregano
 ¼ tsp Onion powder
  tsp Black pepper
 1 cup Parsley
  tsp Red cayenne pepper powder
 Salt (to taste)


Wash the potatoes (leave skin on).

a. Then soak in cold water for 20-30 minutes.
b. Rinse and dry with a paper towel.
c. Add potatoes to a large bowl.


In a small bowl, mix the spices together:

a. Paprika
b. Garlic powder
c. Salt
d. Dried oregano
e. Onion powder
f. Black powder
g. Red cayenne pepper powder


Add the oil to the potatoes and mix to coat them evenly.


Add the spice mixture and chopped parsley to the coated potatoes and mix.


Line a baking sheet with wax paper and place the wedges with 2 inch gap between. Sprinkle cheese over wedges.


Bake at 375F for 15 minutes, flip the wedges and sprinkle more cheese. Bake for another 15 minutes.


Serve with ranch, ketchup, or dip of choice.



 2 Potatoes
 ½ tsp Paprika
 ½ tsp Garlic powder
 1 tbsp Avocado oil (or olive oil)
 ½ cup Cheese
 ¼ tsp Dried oregano
 ¼ tsp Onion powder
  tsp Black pepper
 1 cup Parsley
  tsp Red cayenne pepper powder
 Salt (to taste)



Wash the potatoes (leave skin on).

a. Then soak in cold water for 20-30 minutes.
b. Rinse and dry with a paper towel.
c. Add potatoes to a large bowl.


In a small bowl, mix the spices together:

a. Paprika
b. Garlic powder
c. Salt
d. Dried oregano
e. Onion powder
f. Black powder
g. Red cayenne pepper powder


Add the oil to the potatoes and mix to coat them evenly.


Add the spice mixture and chopped parsley to the coated potatoes and mix.


Line a baking sheet with wax paper and place the wedges with 2 inch gap between. Sprinkle cheese over wedges.


Bake at 375F for 15 minutes, flip the wedges and sprinkle more cheese. Bake for another 15 minutes.


Serve with ranch, ketchup, or dip of choice.



Oven Baked Potato Wedges (Healthier)



If you tried the recipe, share your pictures by either commenting below or tagging me on social media @The4LsBlog. I can’t wait to see all your pictures! Together, lets inspire others and show that cooking can be fun and easy.


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