It's a Desi Thing Letters to Future Husband

Marriage Proposal # 3: A Letter to Future Husband

Dear Future Husband,

It’s me again. Last you heard from me, I told you about saying no to guy #2. Well, I am back with another proposal. Yes. My mom got another phone call, this time from her sister-in-law who was bringing a proposal of guy #3. I was not expecting to get another proposal so soon, but at the same time, I am of age. So I should expect them to be rolling in, right?

I wonder how many proposals you got before you found me. Now I am very curious. Or was I your first? I wonder what others think of me when they are brought proposals with me as the future wife. Are people bringing up my name to the parents of guys who are of marriage age? Hmm. I wonder. I am super curious right now.

However, you are probably more interested in hearing about guy #3. Well, here is how it went down. My aunt called my mom and told her she has a guy for me (isn’t that how it always goes down?). Her first question was am I okay with a sardar. Basically, some other girl was proposed with guy #3, but she said no because she wanted a clean-shaven man. I, on the other hand, don’t mind either way. I actually like a guy with a beard more than a clean-shaven man. So, I told her I don’t have a problem with that. I am more about the inner beauty and personally than looks. As they say, looks can (more like will) fade, but the inner beauty, that will grow even more beautiful with time.

Anyways, my mom got off the phone and called my name (At this time, I didn’t know she was talking about a guy for me.) And the way she called my name, I thought I did something wrong or was about to get in trouble. I started to freak out a little bit. Racking my brain to figure out what she thinks I did wrong this time. She makes her way over to me and then calls my name again. In the same way. So, I put my phone down and listen. Ready to hear all the things I did wrong, but she surprised me with what she had to say.

“There is a guy for you,” She said. And I just sat there taking this in. I was seriously not expecting to get a proposal in the MIDDLE of a PANDEMIC.

The rest of the world is stressing out about the world ending or how to survive during this pandemic, and my aunt is trying to fix marriages. Desis. All I could do was nod and wait for her to continue. She proceeded to ask me if I am okay with a sardar.

And if I am, then she would get more information. So I told her to go ahead and get more information. Because I am willing to listen to the proposal, but I need details. I won’t say yes or no without more information. Which she completely agreed with, but wanted to know from me if I would like for her to get more information. As I have said before, I am not going to flat out say no without getting some dets on this guy. So, off she went to make the phone call to my aunt.

From the moment she told me about guy #3, I didn’t get the same feeling I got in my gut that I got for guy #1 and guy #2. It was a different feeling and one I did not understand until after I got more information. And I don’t know how to take this feeling. What is God trying to tell me?

Well, I guess all we can do is wait for more information. Guy #3. Are you the one? Am I seriously going to find my future husband in the middle of a pandemic? That would be one crazy story to tell our kids. But for now, we wait.


Every Modern Punjabi Girl, awaiting for her “Prince Charming” before she says “Yes”

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Marriage Proposal # 3: The Decision

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