It's a Desi Thing Letters to Future Husband

Marriage Proposal # 1: A Letter to Future Husband

Dear future husband,

I got my first ever marriage proposal when I least expected it. Growing up, I used to always dream of who you would be, my dream wedding, and life after marriage. But now that I am older, my dreams have changed (completely expected); however, I did not expect them to change that drastically.

I used to think that I would get married by mid-20s (the latest) and have kids before 30. Being a science major, I heard way too many stories about the increase of complications of having a kid after 30, and I did not want that. So I knew I wanted to have kids before 30. But here I am, in my mid-20s, still single. And now, I don’t know if I want the same things anymore.

Of course, I still want to get married. But it doesn’t have to be right now. I still want to get married before I am 30, but I am not in any rush. And I no longer want the big wedding I dreamed of. I would be content with a simple, small wedding (at least as small and simple as I can get it being Indian).

And I know for sure now that I don’t want to have a reception party. Reception parties are more for the guests than the bride and groom. It is everything I don’t really care for. Staying up really late (I am a grandma and want to be in bed by 9pm). Drinking a lot (don’t drink so probably wouldn’t have alcohol at the party, but then Indians would complain non-stop about it).

Trying to constantly please your guests (which is really hard to do. Desis always find something to complain about). We don’t have to have one, unless you, my future hubby, would like one. Then I am open to talking about having one, but with some modifications. But we can talk those details when its time.

Anyways, the point I was trying to get to before I rambled on was that I was perfectly content with life at this time, not really thinking about getting married. And then, my first proposal came. All of a sudden, I felt a weird sensation in my heart. My mind began to dream up all the possible scenarios: what this guy would be like, that I needed to start thinking more seriously about my dream wedding, and so on and so forth. My mind and heart basically took this idea of a proposal and ran with it as if I was getting married tomorrow.

I just felt some unexpected excitement. But I still had to know who this guy was. Who are you guy #1? Who are you? You and me both want to know who is guy #1. Is it you? Well, I guess we will have to wait and find out. It’s all on you auntie. We are waiting for your phone call. Until then, best of luck and don’t take life for granted. Keep laughing and living life to the fullest.


Every Modern Punjabi Girl, awaiting for her “Prince Charming” before she says “Yes”

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