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How to make Cha (Indian Tea) for a Refreshing Morning

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Whenever my friend or her mom comes over, or I go over to her house, they always ask for Cha. It’s just that good. And no, it is not the same as Starbucks Chai drink. It is way better. Who needs coffee when there is Cha. No to mention, Cha has so many health benefits if you add the right ingredients.

What goes into making Cha?


Black Tea

A lot of Indians, including me, use Red Label Tea for making Cha. It comes as loose tea and in teabags, so grab the one you prefer. Personally, I like the loose tea, but don’t let that stop you from getting tea bags. We don’t judge here. Before you start dumping ingredients into a pot, let’s add some water into the pot. Now you may be wondering, how much water should I add? Don’t worry, I got you covered. Add half a cup of water per person planning on drinking this tea. I usually make a pot for my family. That’s four people. So, that is 2 cups of water. 

Depending on if you got the loose tea or the tea bags, add 2 teaspoons of this tea (0.5 tsp if making just one cup), if you bought the loose tea box, or 2 teabags, if you bought the bags. Black tea has many health benefits which include keeping your heart healthy and it helps you relax and concentrate better. What more could you ask for? I always drink one cup a day, usually in the morning. It wakes me right up!

This is a great drink to have during exams time. You know you are going to be up late studying and get little sleep the night before an exam, because we all know that we are going to procrastinate. If you are saying to yourself that you are not one of the procrastinators, that means you are one of the biggest ones. You just don’t want to admit it or worse, you don’t want your parents to find out. Because we all know Indian parents. One B, and they think you failed. Right? We can’t tell them the truth that we waited till the last minute to do work. That would never fly.

So, what better way to wake yourself up and get energized on exam day? By drinking a cup of Cha. It has the caffeine boost you need, and it’s not bad for your health. Give it a shot! If you are trying to ease off coffee, but still need some sort of caffeine, try replacing with Cha. I promise you, you won’t regret it. Maybe that is why I never felt the need to try coffee.

Fennel (Saunf) Seeds

Fennel seeds, or saunf in Punjabi, are the next things to be added to Cha. I usually add 1-2 tsp of fennel seeds for four cups (so 0.5 tsp for one cup). One of the biggest benefits, the one my mom always tells me about, of fennel seeds is their ability to help with indigestion, bloating, and constipation. Not to mention, they also help in cleaning your blood and regulating your blood pressure.

Carom (Ajwain) Seeds

Carom seeds, or Ajwain, also has amazing properties. Don’t skip on adding these to your Cha. Again, I usually add 1-2 tsps (so 0.5 tsp for one cup).. Carom seeds also play a role in helping with digestion, reducing weight, and healing pains/aches. Combine this with fennel seeds, and you are getting so many benefits. Your body will be very happy with you just after one cup of tea! Why spend so much money on medicine and risk the chances of all the side effects associated with taking those drugs when you can use natural ingredients and get the same or better results?

Black and Green Cardamom

Buy Green and Black Cardamoms

In a mortar and pestle, crush open 2-3 black cardamoms (1 for one cup) and 4-5 green cardamoms (1-2 for one cup), and toss into the water with the above ingredients. These cardamoms also have similar beneficial properties as the above. It is an antioxidant and has some cancer fighting properties. It also helps in fixing any digestive problems you may be encountering.


Using the mortar and pestle, crush 2-3 cloves (1 clove for one cup) and toss into the water. Cloves help in maintaining and regulating many parts of the body. It can promote bone health, regulate blood sugar, has cancer fighting properties, and helps with toothaches.


Why not drink every morning that does it all? Wakes you up, cleans your blood, aids digestion, and has many other health benefits. Just one drink a day and you are set for life. Give it a shot and tell me how it worked out for you. If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask. I will help out as much as I can!

Homemade Indian Cha

This is no Starbuck’s Chai. This is an authentic Indian Cha recipe the way my family makes it. With just enough tea, milk, and spices, the refreshing tea can be made just as easily by you. Wake up by this energizing and health boosting drink!



If you tried the recipe, share your pictures by either commenting below or tagging me on social media @The4LsBlog. I can’t wait to see all your pictures! Together, lets inspire others and show that cooking can be fun and easy.


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