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Eye creams for your 20s: Compared and Reviewed

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Dark circles. Puffy eyes. Fine lines. All signs of getting older. Except when you start noticing these changes in your early to mid-20s. This shouldn’t be happening yet. You’re still young. Well, at least that was what I was thinking when I noticed my first fine line! Gasp. I woke up one morning and saw myself in the mirror. What was going on? I am still young. Why are my eyes aging like I am much older than I really am? So, I began googling immediately, and that is a worm hole your will be stuck in for hours. You will not know where the time went through all the posts and sites you visit.

Puffiness made sense. That is common, especially if you don’t get enough sleep, or in my case, good sleep. I try to get in those recommended 7-8 hours of sleep, but it doesn’t help on nights when it takes me one hour to fall asleep, and I don’t sleep all the way through until the morning. Hence, puffy eyes. Pretty common in your 20s.

Like many of you, as soon as I started noticing the sings of aging around my eyes, I went to my dear friend the internet, and began reading every possible article about eye creams and eye care for those in their 20s. And boy did I learn a lot. I didn’t know. Did you know that you are supposed to start eye care from high school in order to slow down, and possibly prevent aging around the eyes? Well, I didn’t. Now that is something you should be taught. Had someone told me this great tip a few years ago, maybe I wouldn’t be in this situation?

Well, it is a little too late to start early, considering I am reaching my mid-20s. But, it’s never too late to start now, right? Hopefully. I have compiled a list of several eye creams (that I have tried out) that are suited for young, 20 something year old skin.


1. The Body Shop Aloe Vera Eye Defense

Looking for your first eye cream can be hard. Especially, if you restrict so many factors when you are search, as I did. I wanted to find an eye cream that used the least amount of chemicals and the most amount of natural substances. And let me tell you that is very hard. But, I eventually came across this eye cream in my search, the Body Shop Aloe Vera Eye Defense. I began googling about this eye cream and reading all kinds of reviews on different websites and decided to give it a try myself since the reviews were so great.

People of all ages were using this eye cream, at least according to the reviews, and the majority of them had noticed a great difference in the appearance of the skin around their eyes. Dark circles? Gone. Fine lines? Gone. Puffiness? Gone. What more could I want? This checked off all my eye problems, now to put it to the test.

I placed that order and waited patiently for it to arrive in the mail. Upon receiving it, I began to follow the described routine I read online. Apply a small amount around your eyes along the orbital bone, using a patting motion to help your skin absorb it, and applying it in the morning and before bed. I did it all.

And at first, I thought my eyes felt great. I woke up refreshed, but not much difference in appearance under my eyes. Must be the placebo effect or my brain playing games with me. But then, after a few days of using it, I began to notice flaking of the cream around my eyes. It was coming off in dry clumps throughout the day. Not a good look let me tell you. I don’t know if it was just my mind messing with me that this cream worked or if it was truly working. So, naturally, I just stopped using it. I did not want to spend my entire day getting rid of the flaking white cream from my skin. Embarrassing! The cream was shelved. Placed in a part of the shelf where all my reject products go to die. Well, they are basically just left there, forgotten, until my next deep cleaning day when they will most likely be tossed. Anyone else have a shelf like that?


2. Ole Henkrisen Banana Bright Eye Crème

Buy Ole Henkrisen Eye Crème

By no means am I an expert in skin care or eye care. In fact, I know nothing. So, I hoped the internet would provide me with the expertise I needed, but it is so hard to find the answers you are looking for. So, I stopped in at Sephora and asked an employee for help and recommendations. Let me tell you, it is a bad idea to go into the store looking for help the week of black Friday. You will not get the individual attention you need. Instead, you will get rushed assistance.

In her haste to help me, considering she was extremely busy, she didn’t even finish listening to what I was looking for, and she handed me Ole Henkrisen Banana Bright Eye Crème. And being completely lost, I just took it and decided to test it out.

Apparently, when you are in your 20s, the eye cream options catered to your needs are not as strong. Meaning, they help with puffy eyes and basically hide dark circles by acting like a brightening cream, but by no means do they get rid of those lines that have already formed.

That was exactly what this cream did. I would apply it in the morning and before bed as instructed by the saleswoman who sold me the cream. And patting a small amount around my eyes, not rubbing it. As dragging skin makes it worse. Another thing I learned.

I noticed the cream did have a brightening affect which was able to hide my dark circles to a certain extent. Now being an individual with darker colored skin, I guess there is only so much a brightening cream can hide. Hence, you could still see a little bit of the dark circles, but it was not as bad as when I didn’t use it at all. Plus, with my glasses on, you couldn’t really see the dark circles. A plus of having glasses, I guess? Do they make eye cream based on the color of your skin? Probably not.

One of the things I loved about this was the effect it had when I put it on overnight. I noticed I would wake up and my eyes would feel more refreshed and less tired. A great plus! Usually, it took me a little bit of time before I was fully awake; however, with this cream, my eyes felt awake from the moment I got up. And no puffiness!

Along with that, when I looked at my eyes in the mirror, I noticed that the start of the fine lines that had started to form under my eyes, were stopped. The fine lines did not continue to grow longer. Although, this cream didn’t do much to get rid of the fine lines that had started to form, but it did stop them from continuing to grow longer.

The one think I started to notice the longer I began to use it was that when I applied the cream in the morning before heading to work, there would be dried bits coming off throughout the day. It basically looked as if under my eyes had dandruff, and that is not a pleasant look. I wasn’t sure if it was the cream itself causing this to happen or was it me? Could be me since a similar thing occurred with the body defense cream.

Overall, I really enjoyed this eye cream. I liked what I was seeing. The one thing the saleswoman said that stuck with me was that if I ran out of this cream in a month, then I was using too much. And she was right, the cream lasted for about four months before I needed to purchase it again.


3. Olay Eyes Ultimate Eye Cream

Buy Olay Eye Cream

As I mentioned above, the Ole eye cream began to cause dry white pieces to flake off under my eyes. I don’t know if this was the cream coming off or what, but I decided I need to try another eye cream. Now, the Ole I bought in Sephora, but that was a good 40 minutes’ drive from my house, so I decided to try something from my local Walmart.

This time I took a different approach. Instead of searching the web for my next eye cream, I decided to just go to the store and buy one. I had heard a lot about Olay products, so I went for their eye cream. Of course, the eye cream targeted for the 20 year olds, Olay Eyes Ultimate Eye Cream.

The cream looked more like foundation in color. Maybe that was how they planned on hiding dark spots. By providing you with a skin color eye cream, instead of taking the approach Ole took and providing a brightening cream. So they do make eye cream for darker skin colors? This eye cream was so soft to the touch and spread on so easily around my eyes. I loved the feel of it. 

I put the Ole eye cream to the side, on hold for a little bit, and decided to try out the Olay eye cream for a few days and see if it was any better. After applying it for just one night, I did not like what I saw in the mirror the next morning. My eyes were not as puffy, but the dark circles continued to get darker, and the fine line, yes, the line whose growth was halted by Ole, grew longer! Nooooo! This is the opposite of what I wanted.

I immediately stopped using this eye cream. I know what you may be saying. Taranjit, it will take time before the cream starts to work. But, reader, sorry I don’t know your name, I don’t have the time to wait a week or so before it starts to work. My dark circles and fine lines are getting worse every day I use an eye cream that is not stopping its growth. And from what I have learned, eye creams can only prevent more from occurring, they cannot get rid of what is already there. All it can do is hide it. Except, if you get a stronger formula for a little older ladies, which then fills in the fine lines (not get rid of it) to make it look like you don’t have them.

This cream went to the back of my shelf in the bathroom to hang with the other rejected skin care products. Sorry Olay eye cream. Maybe someone else in my family will use you, but I will not.


4. Clinique All about Eyes Rich

Buy Clinique All About Eyes

Three eye creams and none of them suited me for my needs. Well, two of them were good, just the flaking was unpleasant. The only thing I had left to do was try another one. Why is searching for the right product for your skin so hard? I decided to take a different approach once again because obviously my previous approaches were not working.

I was going to try out Ulta Beauty. Before I even entered the store, I had made up my mind. This was going to be my last stop before I went back to Sephora and just got another box of the Ole eye cream. Now, my cousin had told me about Ulta and how you can get help from their experts, but she forgot to mention one small detail. There is no expert that will tell you about all the products, but instead there are experts for each product brand. So, I went to the first expert I saw, not knowing this at first of course, and asked her for help on finding an eye cream. After she only showed me Clinque products, I realized she was the Clinque representative. She was only going to show me her company’s products. Now what was I supposed to do? Is there no place I can go where I can get an expert’s advice without them being bias for a specific brand?

She even tried to bribe me with a free gift, too. Look lady that lip balm stick thing that you are giving to me for free is not going to make me buy this cream over the other brands. I don’t even know anything about makeup. I don’t wear it. Hence, the me not knowing the name of the makeup stick she handed to me is called.

But, I decided to try out this eye cream. What did I have to lose? Oh, yea. That’s right. My eye health. That’s what I had to lose. But that didn’t stop me from buying this eye cream. I took it, bought it, and began testing it out that night.

This cream was more similar to the Ole one, in that it was not as soft and creamy as the Olay one. Plus, it was whiter so it was going to have that brightening effect.

After using it for a few days, I noticed that my dark circles were being masked by this eye cream, but not as much as the Ole; however, it was covering up almost the same amount as Ole. The skin around my eyes was very soft now that I started to use this. A plus! Although, it did not get rid of the fine lines that have started to form or the dark circles, but it did stop the growth of them like Ole. And no flaking cream throughout the day! However, my eyes don’t feel as much awake as they did when I tried Ole.



Which eye cream is for you?

I guess there is no one cream out there that will do it all. You have to pick and choose your battles. I am going to stick with Clinque for now until I find out about another eye cream, or until I head back up to Sephora and ask them again for help. But this time I will go when they are not as busy. I wish you the best of luck in your eye cream search and I hope this was helpful in any way possible. Unless, you are already an expert in this area, then you probably don’t even need to read this. Maybe you can help me out instead!


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  1. I love aloe vera products I feel like they work great on undereyes. Great article!

  2. Gloria says:

    These are great list of eye creams ! Like you said there’s always a particular eye creams for everybody’s needs . Thank you for sharing this as I might add some to my collection. ❤️

  3. Great article! I’m 28, and I don’t usually wear eye cream of any kind. Although I wish I was in a regiment of actively taking care of the skin around my eyes, I still kind of do – in a less active way – by not wearing eye make up. I only wear eye make up about 1-2 times a month, making it so I’m not messing with my eyes as often. It sounds like you want to find a product that both heals/moisturizes and conceals – I’m not sure that truly exists, but I do use IT cosmetics under eye concealer – and it definitely hides tired eyes while brightening and covering circles!

    Sarah Conley from

    1. Taranjit says:

      Thanks for the recommendation! I have a wedding to attend soon and I am clueless when it comes to makeup having not used it before. I will give IT a try.

  4. I really enjoyed this post. I have always suffered with dark circles and puffy eyes. I’m only 24, but was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at the age of 7. For the past 4 years, I have been on the look out for the perfect eye cream. The struggle is hard. I have used the Body Shop Aloe Vera Eye Defence that you mentioned. I found it was quite cooling, but did not find it did anything. I’m interested in trying the clinique one, I’ve seen it round and may give it a go.

    1. Taranjit says:

      Hopefully, the Clinque one works better 🙂

  5. I was really hoping you would find one because I haven’t been able to find one either.

    1. Taranjit says:

      I will keep you posted if I come across one that works!

  6. I agree with you that it is hard to find the best cream that will work for you, I had that struggle back then as well. But I hope you will find the best cream soon. I have been using Clinique since my 20’s and I love it!

  7. You gave such great descriptions! I’ve never tried any of these! I think it’s hit or miss, you just have to keep trying until you find one that really works for you! I know I personally struggle to tell if they make a difference but I still use one!

    -Madi xo |

  8. Thank you for the recommendation! I’d love to use one of these soon!! 🙂

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