Food: Recipes & Restaurants Recipes

Eggless Whole wheat Snickerdoodles: The Healthier Recipe

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Looking for a healthier version of snickerdoodles? Don’t eat eggs? Want to bake without having to use all-purpose flour? Well, you have come to the right place because those are all the things I look for when trying to find a recipe. And the best part, you don’t have to worry about experimenting because I have done that for you. That means less testing and wasting time and more baking!

In today’s age, when everyone is on the healthy train, we are all looking for food options with ingredients that are better for our health. We want to stop using ingredients that harm us. Don’t worry, you are not alone. I am the same way. I am always on the hunt or experimenting myself, to create recipes for baked goods that don’t use eggs and use whole wheat flour as an alternative. Not to mention, I look for recipes that are more vegetarian friendly, use brown sugar, and ingredients that I will typically have around the house. This way, if I have the sudden urge to bake anything, I don’t have to run to the store and get the necessary ingredients.

Did you try the Eggless Whole Wheat Blueberry Muffins?

Growing up in an Indian house, we always have whole wheat flour, but rarely ever have eggs or all-purpose flour, so whenever the mood strikes for me to want to bake something, I was unable to do it without a pit stop to the grocery store. Which to be honest, made me change my mind more often than not against baking. No eggs? You might be thinking that is absurd. Not for a Sikh family. Eggs are not something we eat, and especially when we make a dish for the Gurdwara, eggs or meat are not allowed. So naturally, we don’t buy it. However, this made it extremely difficult to bake all the delicious goodies I loved and enjoyed.

But, that is no longer the case anymore! I found a way to make soft, chewy eggless snickerdoodles using whole wheat flour. And no, the egg replacement wasn’t bananas or yogurt, which tend to leave their flavor in the cookie. We don’t want that. It was a flax egg. Not only does it work like a real egg, but it also doesn’t leave much taste behind. So, you don’t notice that there is flaxseeds in the cookie. My kind of ingredient!

You are probably like get to the point, or if you made it this far, you might be thinking to skip over this text and scroll to the bottom to the recipe. Well, here it is. And, this is the first time I made these with this recipe, so I am still working out the kinks, and I will keep you updated with changes and suggestions as I figure them out. You will be able to find my suggestions and tips on how to make it better after the recipe.

Hope this was what you were looking for because I know how it is to find a recipe that is almost what you are looking for, but then there is that one ingredient that messes it up.

Happy baking!

Looking for more recipes?

Eggless Whole Wheat Blueberry Muffins?



If you tried the recipe, share your pictures by either commenting below or tagging me on social media @The4LsBlog. I can’t wait to see all your pictures! Together, lets inspire others and show that cooking can be fun and easy.


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  1. Fiorella says:

    It looks so tasty and not complicated to prepare, definitely to try.

    1. Taranjit says:

      It is a simple and quick recipe for when you do not have much time. Let me know how they turn out!

  2. Oh yum!! This whole post made me hungry..haha. I actually don’t have an oven so baking any kind of treats is out of the question for me πŸ™ Good thing, though, I’d be eating them all myself! This is a great site too!!

    1. Taranjit says:

      Thank you so much! Hopefully, an oven is written in your near future and you can bake these yummy cookies. Or, even better, you could have a friend make them and enjoy the yumminess πŸ™‚

  3. Snickerdoodles have always been one of my favorite cookie types! I’d have to make some substitutions due to food allergies but I think I could make it work! Thanks for sharing this recipe!
    -Madi xo |

    1. Taranjit says:

      I completely understand. Best of luck!

  4. These look really delicious! I am saving the recipe to try them out.

    1. Taranjit says:

      Let me know how it turns out for you!

  5. Sharvina says:

    Thanks for sharing your recipe! I have to cater to the strict demands of my guests from time to time, & this will be very handy!!

    1. Taranjit says:

      Hope you enjoy it πŸ™‚

  6. I love snickerdoodles! Can’t wait to try these!

    1. Taranjit says:

      Let me know how it turns out πŸ™‚

  7. We are able to eat eggs, but I am totally willing to try this because sometimes versions like this are actually better tasting. Looking forward to trying these.

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