Hello all! It’s Taranjit here and welcome to my blog LaughLoveLiveLearn!

Life is already hard enough, and I would like to help make it a little brighter. Whether it’s through providing healthy and fun recipes, providing recommendations of products and services, or just through sharing moments of life that one could relate to. Adulting is hard! We all struggle through life, but together we can make the journey of life more enjoyable and memorable.

Laugh: Laugh when you can. Trust me, there are no side effects of laughing. Not to mention, it is absolutely free. In fact, it can be contagious. Spread the joy of laughter! Laughter can only help make life more enjoyable and less stressful, and even spread a little bit of happiness into the lives of those around you. Finding something to laugh about as much as possible can only help, so don’t stop laughing!

Love: Love as much as possible. Without love, we would be lonely and lost. Show others, not just family and friends, but even those you don’t have a relationship with, that you care, that you are there for them when they need it, and that they will always have a spot in your heart. You never know when that small act of love or kindness could positively impact someone’s life. We all need the reminder sometimes. Take some time out of your day to tell your family and your friends that you love them. That small gesture can help turn their day around and make them smile to know someone cares about them. In return, that same love will be there for you when you are feeling sad or feeling lonely. It warms you heart and makes life livable.

Live: Don’t take life for granted. Enjoy every moment of it while you can. You never know what the future has in hold for you so live each moment to the fullest. Trust me, you will not regret doing so. In fact, you will be glad that you did it. You will look back on these moments of life and smile that you actually did that. You only have one life to live, so step out of that comfort zone of yours and do what you have always dreamed of doing. Don’t wait for tomorrow or next month, just go out and do it. Live.

Learn: Never stop. There is no way you have learned everything. It’s impossible. You always will have something to learn. People who succeed in life never say they know everything. Instead, they always are willing to continue to learn something new. They are not afraid to admit that they do not know something. Instead, they do all they can to learn more about a topic they do not have much knowledge about. That’s how you grow, and how you get far in life. Go out and learn something new. You never know, it might come in handy one day.

These four L’s are what I constantly remind myself to make sure I enjoy the life I have been given. Be grateful for what I have. This blog is not just my journey through life, but it is also a space to help others move through their own journey. Together we can bring at least one smile to a face every day and help brighten one individual’s day every day.

I post weekly. Stay connected with me on social media and subscribe to stay in the loop of when a new post will be available.