It's a Desi Thing Letters to Future Husband

Marriage Proposal # 3: The Decision: A Letter to Future Husband

Dear Future Husband,

Boy do I have some candy (candies better than beans) to spill. And boy are they very sweet and juicy candies that spilled.

My mom called my aunt and told her my reasons for declining this proposal, and my aunt response was uncalled for. Seriously, I can’t believe she said that. She responded with saying I can’t have that many demands. At this rate, I will never find a guy who checkmarks all the things I would want in a guy.

Are you serious? I have to spend the rest of my life with this guy and his family. I am going to make sure I like the guy and agree with his thinking. Otherwise, I would be miserable the rest of my life.

I have seen the behind the scene of arranged marriages that just happened because their parents picked the partner and there was no saying no. And I don’t want that at all.

When I think of marriage, I don’t picture it as constant butting of heads and barely speaking to each other unless we have to. I think of it more as we are a team. We are partners in this journey of life. We will spend the rest of our lives together.

Plus, I am not asking for that much in my future husband. I am sure there are girls out their who have such a huge list of demands, but I only have a few. And they are not ridiculous or hard to meet at all. I won’t bore you too much with my list, but I have the right to have a say in the type of guy I want to spend my life with. And no amount of ridicule or disappointment from my aunties or uncles will take that away from me. After all, you don’t have to spend your life with this guy. I do. You will just see him from time to time at family gatherings or special occasions, but I will be stuck with him for my entire life left on this planet. Sorry, if I am taking it seriously.  

On a lighter note, want to hear something funny? I decline the offer, my aunt says all this stuff about me having too much demands, and then when she could still not convince me to change my answer, she went after my sister. Yes. You read that right. My younger sister. Well, not that much younger, but still younger. And she was like how about her. Would she be okay with guy #3?

My eyes widened and mouth fell open (well not literally, but in my mind they did) when I heard this. Are you guys desperate or something? Because that sounds like someone who can’t seem to find guy #3 a girl and are ready to settle for any girl who says yes. That truly does point to that there is definitely something that is being hidden. How many offers did guy #3 get? Are the girls truly saying no for the same reason I am or did they find out something more alarming about this guy and his family? I guess we will never find out. Or might find out eventually when an auntie accidently lets it slip during a future conversation when we are around. But it doesn’t matter anymore. I said no. So time to forget and move on.

I wonder what excuse or reason my aunt’s is going to give the next girl they bring the proposal to and why I declined the offer. Probably something like I wanted a “clean-shaven” man or something. God was warning me from the beginning with the unknown and unsettling feeling in my gut. I just didn’t understand, at the time, what He was trying to tell me. But it all makes sense to me now.

My future man is still out there. Either looking for me or waiting for my name to come to him as a proposal. It just isn’t our time yet to meet. So, the only thing we both can do right now is continue remember God and keep living life. God’s timing is perfect, and it just seems like it is not the time yet. Until then, wish you the best of luck in your search.


Every Modern Punjabi Girl, awaiting for her “Prince Charming” before she says “Yes”

Related Articles:

Marriage Proposal # 1

Marriage Proposal # 2

Marriage Proposal # 3

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