So that just happened... The Everyday

Two deer, too many: The Horrible Accident (Part 2)

Encounter #2: The deer destroyed my brand new car

 I had just purchased my brand new car not too long ago. Just like when you purchase anything new yourself, you take extra care of it during your first few months of owning it. Unless I am the only one that does that. But that was me. I drove super carefully, constantly looking around to make sure nothing happened to my car, whether it was crazy drivers or deer that I was on the lookout for, I kept myself alert.

I would like to believe that my coworker jinxed my car and thus the collision. One my coworkers kept asking me how my “Ferrari” was because he knew I had gotten a new car recently. He loved to crack jokes, so he called it only referred to it as a Ferrari when he asked about it.

Then one snowy, dark night, I was driving home from work. I dialed my sister, using my hands-free calling feature, to ask who was leaving first the next day and how the vehicles were parked in the driveway, so I could prepare myself. A call I made every day when I was getting close to home, so I could be prepared for where I would park. I don’t like being unprepared.

She had just answered the phone and after telling me who was leaving first and where each car was parked, she had started to talk about her day. Good way to make the long commute more bearable. Because it was starting to snow, and it was dark, I was driving slowly so I didn’t slide or lose control of the car. Then out of nowhere I see this deer coming full speed ahead right towards my car. It was a skinny, female deer and she came running so fast into rammed right into the side of my car. Her body slammed against the driver’s door and then she flew over the roof of my car.

I felt my door come so far in that it tapped my left leg and left arm before it went back out slightly. Thank God for the latest safety features on the newer cars or that door might have done more than just touch my leg and arm. All my sister heard was Oh my God. Oh my God. Noooooo. Before my voice went silent. Great way to freak you sister out, right?

The entire time that deer was coming towards me, time had slowed down so much. I felt as everything was happening in slow motion. My heart was beating very fast in my chest, and again, I was in the state of I didn’t know what to do.  I looked around to see where the deer went, and she was gone. This deer was hit way harder than that buck I had hit in the past, but nothing happened to her. Shocking.

I then looked around me to see if any cars were coming because I had slammed my brakes to try and avoid getting hit. No one was in sight. All of a sudden, my brain began to register my sister’s voice on the phone asking what happened. I tried to explain what just happened, my body still in shock as to whether that just happened for real. I was 10 minutes away from home and this had to happen. So close. Maybe if I had left a little later, I could have avoided this situation.

All I wanted to do was get home and fast. I needed to get off the road and see the damage. I did not have the patience to wait five more minutes to get home to see the damage, I wanted to know now. Immediately, my mind went back to my first encounter, the buck that hit the rental and how the damage was not as bad as I thought it was. So, I prayed this was the case, knowing deep in my heart that it was worse.

But when I got home and stepped outside to look at my car, I realized it was bad. Very bad. I was super lucky that I was able to continue driving and make it home in one piece. Most of the driver’s side of the car was destroyed, all the way from the middle of the door of the passenger behind the driver’s door to the front side of the car above the driver’s wheel was destroyed. A massive dent in the driver’s door. The side of the bumper broken and badly damaged. And the hub cape of my tire was sticking out. My brand new car was destroyed, and once again I found myself frozen next to the car. Unable to stop looking at the damage and unable to make myself go inside. I just stood there, taking it in. My brain was not able to process what just happened.

My sister and mom came out when they realized I was home and standing outside. Once again, it was dark outside, and I would not see all he damage until the next morning. My mom pulled me back into her warm hug and took me inside. Side note: I just realized that both times I got hit by a deer it had to be a Monday because my dad was home, and he is only off on Mondays. Strange coincidence?

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  1. I have a couple deer/car encounters. They’re never fun. I swear by deer whistles though–I’ve never hit a deer in a vehicle that had them.

    1. Taranjit says:

      Really? I have hear mixed reviews about them. I guess I should look into getting one. Any recommendations?

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