So that just happened... The Everyday

Types of People I Have Seen in Public Restrooms

How hard is it to clean up after yourself when you are done in the bathroom? Apparently, very hard.  I walked into the women’s restroom at work and headed towards the stalls, pushing open the door to the first stall. I don’t know if this is something I do, or if others do this, too, But, the first thing I do is take a peek inside before deciding to use it. This bring me to types of people in public restrooms.

The stall checker

The individuals that inspect the stall before deciding to go all the way in and use it for their business. I am guilty of doing this myself, and I am sure I am not the only one. Who wants to use a gross toilet? Not me. The checkers will go and push open as many stall doors as they will need to before using one. They will not stop until they are satisfied. Even if it means they have to wait, they will.

What are they avoiding?

Toilets that still have evidence of what the person before them used it for, i.e., remnants of going number 2. Disgusting.  No one wants to see what the occupant before them just did in there.  How long does it take to just peek back and make sure everything went down before you unlock the door and leave? Not very long. If it didn’t go down with the flush the first time, flush it again. It’s not like you are given a limited number of flushes. That handle has multiple uses. Don’t be afraid to give it another push. The next person will be grateful.

Wet toilet seats. If there is evidence of wet droplets all over the toilet seat, you bet you this person is stepping right back out and moving on to the next stall. This is especially gross for women because we have to sit on that seat. Men have it a little easier since they can stand and handle their business. They don’t need to get that close to the public toilet. Lucky them. No individual wants to touch their rear to that wet stuff, whatever it may be. It might be some number 1 or the splash from the toilet bowl. We will never know. And there is no way I am going to stand there and try to figure it out. I would much rather go to another stall.

The toilet coverer

These individuals go out of their way to make their own toilet seat before finishing their business. There are two types of these kind of people. The first are the ones that take that thin toilet cover that most bathrooms have and place it over the toilet seat. How much is that really protecting you from the disgusting toilet? Does it really make that much of a difference? Plus, what if the previous occupant left that seat wet, and you place that very thin, almost nonexistent cover on the seat, and then take a seat only to realize there was a wet spot. Gross! Now you are grossed out because your rear has just touched that wetness, but there is not much you can do. Might as well just finish your business now. The damage has been done.

The second are the individuals that place start unrolling that toilet paper until half of it is gone and start making their own toilet seat protector. They are the reason why when you go to the restroom and there is no toilet paper left on the roll. Again, how much difference does that really make?

The hoverer

These individuals don’t contribute to the no toilet paper problem. In fact, they don’t diminish the toilet seat cover or toilet paper supplies. They are so grossed out by the public toilet, that they want to stay as far away from it as possible. So, how do they go to the bathroom? They don’t bother even sitting down all the way, but instead, squat enough for them to finish their business while staying as far away from touching the toilet as possible. Their core and leg muscles though must be real strong. Now it makes sense. They are trying to get their workout in while going to the bathroom. Two things knocked off at once from their list. Smart!

The ones that don’t care

These individuals are the ones that don’t give a crap about any of the above. Nothing can gross them out. They are here to use the bathroom and get out. No need to put in more work than needed. They are so brave that they just walk right in, open the first available stall door, and walk right in. Toilet still has remnants? No problem. They will flush it for the previous occupant before using it themselves. The seat is wet? No problem. Rip some toilet paper off, wipe it, and finish their business. And if the stall is completely fine. They just sit right down. No hesitation. Go to the bathroom and leave with no worries. This could never be me.


Which kind of public bathroom occupant are you? Do you do a little bit of everything or do you not care? Should people really be worried about public bathrooms?

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