So that just happened... The Everyday

Car would not pick up speed: What does that mean?

It started off as a normal day. I showered, got ready, dropped my brother off at school, ate breakfast, and then got in my car to head to work. Typical morning. Nothing usual there. The same routine I perform every day. But then something strange happened.

I am not too far away from home, and the light turns red. So, like any other driver, I stopped behind the white line and waited for the light to turn green. The light takes turns turning green for the other sides of the intersection before making its way back around to my side. Normally, the light turns green, you hit the gas, and your car starts going, right? Well, my car decided to be different today.

I hit the gas and it tried so hard to pick up speed. The rpm needle moved up and down past the 2 and then below the 2, trying so hard for the car to go faster than 30 mph. The noise coming from the car made me hear how hard the car was struggling. It was as if the rpm gauge was maxing out from the loud sound it was making. It was as if I was hitting the gas and trying to make the car go, but someone was pushing the brakes at the same time. The tires felt like they were being pulled to stop and forced to go at the same time. I was sure that the car behind me was going to start beeping at me because I was not moving, and the light was green.

I released the gas hoping it would help before placing my foot gently back on it. Nope. Same thing was happening. The cars behind me were definitely going to start beeping any second now. But then, the pulling stopped suddenly, and my car began to pick up speed as if nothing happened. Was I dreaming? What just happened?

I am a little worried as to why that just occurred. There was a recall on my car not too long ago about a computer update and if not updated, the car may have transmission trouble and issues with picking up speed. But I already had my recall appointment. So, this shouldn’t be happening. Unless, the “fix” for the recall the mechanics performed worsened the issue.

There was no issue with my car, but then I received a call saying there was a recall on it. A computer update needed to be performed for the transmission. There was some glitch that would cause some cars to have a difficult time picking up speed. Hearing the description of the recall, I made an appointment. They performed the update so fast and said it went so smoothly. But it seems as if they caused the issue to occur in my transmission as opposed to fixing it. I guess I will never know.

I am definitely not a car person. Maybe I should go get it checked out? But I don’t want to have to pay so much money to fix it. Hopefully this was a mistake on their end.

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