Ideas for the weekend Traveling & Experiences

Monster’s Mini Golf: The Indoor Activity Experience

(This is not a sponsored post).

Here we were again, my sister and I, in the same situation as before. The weekend is coming up and we had nothing planned. What could we do? We didn’t want to sit in the house when we could go out and do something. So, our friend the internet came to our rescue. We began searching the web for fun things to do in the area and came across Monster’s Mini Golf. Monster’s mini golf? I thought to myself. “What is that?” The name itself had already pulled me in to find out more.

We began scrolling through the website, clicking all the tabs, and doing our share of research to get as much information as possible on this place. The thing my sister and I do often is read the about, see the cost, and then look at reviews. These three factors are what we base our decision on and whether we are going to give it a shot.

We have never played mini-golf before. Always wanted to but never have. Not to mention, never played glow in the dark mini golf. This sounded extremely fun and we looked at each other and already confirmed our weekend plans. Not much words were exchanged between the two of us, but if you have siblings then maybe you will understand. You are able to communicate with your facial expression without saying anything out loud. It’s the connection of blood.

What is Monster’s Mini Golf?

As I said before, it is an indoor, glow-in-the-dark mini-golf place. It is a place where the entire family can have from, both the children and the adults. One game includes 18 holes which is perfect for family night out. It’s not too long and not too short. Just right. And if you want to do more than just golfing, have no fear. They have plenty more activities for you to participate in, including mini bowling, laser tag, a laser maze, arcade, and much more. A one stop shop. Have you ever got stumped on what to do for someone’s birthday? Because I know I sure have. This place would be a wonderful place to host a birthday party. Not to mention, less work for you and your house would stay clean. That’s my kind of party.

They have over 30 locations throughout the United States and Canada. So take a look around, there might be one near you. It’s a family fun night that won’t empty your wallet. One game of 18-holes was only $11 for big monsters and $9 for the little ones. Combine with the other activities, and you will get a discount.

Our experience

At this price, we had to give it a try. We pulled up to Monster’s Mini Golf and walked up to the black painted doors. The first set of doors led you to a small entrance type area and there is another set of doors. While you are standing in this middle section, you are basically in pitch black darkness. They are preparing you for the glow in the dark. Giving a chance for your eyes to adjust.

Eager to get started, we pulled opened the door and we were like little kids in a toy store. Our eyes wide as we took everything in. So much to see that we didn’t know where to look first. It was such a nice set-up. All the props and decorations added to the monster theme.

The front desk employee was very friendly and explained the entire process to us so well. Being first time mini-golfers, we had no idea what we were doing. He really explained it, so we understood. After the quick debrief of the rules, we each grabbed a glow in the dark golf ball, green for me and orange for my sister, and took our golf sticks, I don’t think that is the correct term, but that’s what I am going to call them, before making our way to hole one.

The 18-hole course if filled with lots of fun gimmicks along the way. One hole even has a challenge wheel. Before you start the round, spin the wheel and do what it says. I got use the golf stick behind your back and my sister got close your eyes. Not to mention, the turns and props in each round make the game fun every time you go. It never gets old. I even managed to get a few hole in ones. It surprised me and my sister. At one point my sister didn’t believe me that I managed to get the ball in the hole the first time. Those are the moments you wished you recorded it or someone was looking to confirm your story. Don’t you hate when that happens? When you manage to do something amazing, but no one saw. The worst. It doesn’t feel as accomplishing as when someone else saw it happening, too. I doubt I would be able to repeat it again, but it is an accomplishment that I will remember forever.

As you make your way through the course, there are monsters that talk to you and are happy to take a picture with you. They are not real people obviously, but you are encouraged to capture memories as you play. So, don’t be afraid to get close and snap a shot. They don’t mind, trust me.

 You will not get bored through the experience. There is a DJ who plays music, and he randomly describes challenges or games they will be playing along with asking cheesy monster trivia questions. The winner of those games gets a prize. For instance, the first time we went, the DJ started to play a song and he said whoever he saw dancing when he passed by got a prize.

We suckingly made it through the course and were now at the last hole. The aim for the clown’s mouth hole. It’s a way for them to collect the golf balls and for you to get your final points to beat your friends. Take your time and hit it right into the back of his throat. Can you do it?

Now you finished that 18th hole? Think that is it? Well, it is not. Before you leave, they hand you a card for one free round of 18-holes. Isn’t that awesome? Every time my sister and I go, we earn a free game card, so we only ever end up paying for one game. The other plays for free every time. We have been here several times and it was fun every time. I would recommend everyone to try glow-in-the dark mini golf at least once. You will not regret the decision. In fact, you might just find yourself coming back for more.

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1 Comment

  1. This sounds like such a fun activity. My kids would have loved glow in the dark mini-golf.

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